Saturday, December 28, 2013

When a journey ends...

This is my last post regarding Vancouver. My exchange semester has ended and I'm back in Germany. What stays are memories and many great friends, who I hope to visit as soon as possible.

Since my last entry I was among other things in Whistler for skiing, wrote (and passed) my exams and had a small Christmas party in Fairview. These are some of the last pictures I took.

And here are some more pictures I took with my phone

I wonder who conviced Joakim to do that
Wreck Beach
It got cold in Vancouver
First one!
Crime got out of hand...
Last meeting of last group presentation of last course to write an exam in

This term at UBC was great and I wouldn't want to miss it.
I met so many nice people from all over the world and I'm happy to call them friends now.
You guys made this time so awesome for me and I hope to see every single one of you again.
Thank you!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 9th - 11th - La Push

Hey there!

I know that this is pretty late but there was so much stuff to do for school in the past few weeks.
Anyway, I went on a great trip to La Push, which is located in Washington State. What I was doing there - SURFING! Since Tofino I'm totally into it and so I took the chance and decided very spontaneously to join.
And it was a great decision! It was not just about the surfing but also about the people. It feels like wherever I go, I meet friendly, funny and open-minded people. Maybe I'm just lucky.

We started early in the morning from Fairview where Brooke and Adam picked Juliette and me up. It was a short drive to the US border and I felt very excited to be for the first time in my life in the US - just to realize that this part looked exactly like Canada.
We lived in a luxurious house at the beach which was designed for 4 people. However, we fit 11 (and 13 for the first night) in. We could just go out of the house, grab our boards and start surfing!
Unfortunately I don't have so many pictures this time, but I hope you enjoy these ones!

I have to admit that I slept most of the time during our journey.
On Sunday afternoon we drove to another beach, to have a look at it.

 Some tree watchers

This was an awesome trip thanks to amazing people. These pictures can't even explain halt of the experiences I made. Thank you and see you in Whistler, guys! :)